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  After a while I heard ____1____ more of the romantic sounding Italians. I just heard the ____2____ of the popcorn crunching ( 咀嚼 ) between my teeth. My thought started to ____3____ . I remembered when I was in South Korea, I ____4____ to watch Kojak on TV frequently. He spoke perfect Korean-I was really amazed. He seemed like a good friend to me, ____5____ I saw him again in New York speaking ____6____ English instead of perfect Korean. He didn't even have a Korean accent and I ____7____ like I had been betrayed.

  When our family moved to the United States six years ago, none of us spoke any English. ____8____ we had begun to learn a few words; my mother suggested that we all should speak English at home. Everyone agreed, but our house became very ____9____ and we all seemed to avoid each other. We sat at the dinner table in silence, preferring that to ____10____ in a difficult language. Mother tried to say something in English but it ____11____ out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it! We've been speaking Korean at home ever since.

  1. A. much  B. any  C. no  D. few

  2. A. voice  B. sound  C. rhythm  D. tone

  3. A. wonder  B. wander  C. imagine  D. depart

  4. A. enjoyed   B. happened  C. turned  D. used

  5. A. until  B. because  C. then  D. therefore

  6. A. artificial  B. informal  C. perfect  D. practical

  7. A. felt  B. looked  C. seemed  D. appeared

  8. A. While  B. If  C. Before  D. Once

  9. A. empty  B. quiet  C. stiff  D. calm

  10. A. telling  B. uttering  C. saying  D. speaking

  11.A. worked  B. got  C. came  D. made


  1.C 从下文只能听到嚼玉米花的声音判断本题答案为no,表示听不到电影中的浪漫声音。

  2.B 参照上题,嚼玉米花的声音应该用sound表达。

  3.B 从下文中自己所想可以判断这里表示自己的思绪开始游荡,能表达此含义的是wander。wonder表示“诧异,纳闷”,depart表示“离开”,imagine表示想象,都与上下文不符。

  4.D 叙述自己过去的事情,又表示经常性行为,应该用used to。

  5.A 从下文的betray可以判断,在作者发现Kojak说得一口流利的英文之前一直把对方当作朋友,四个选项中能表示“到某时为止就不……”的是until。

  6.B 参照上文,这里表示作者所喜欢的Kojak到美国之后不再说韩语,而学说英语。与perfect语言相对的应该是不正规语言,应该是informal,其他artificial(人工的,假的)、practical(实际的)都与perfect不对立。

  7.A 本题考查的是固定搭配feel like,表示自己看到这种情况的感觉。

  8.D 本题答案为once,表示“我们一开始学习英语,母亲就提出了一个建议,建议我们在家里都说英语”。

  9.B 此处考查上下文理解。从we all seemed to avoid each other 与we sat at the dinner table in silence来看,答案应该是quiet,即“屋里十分安静,大家都避免和对方说话”。

  10.D 此处考查固定搭配和词汇。prefer A to B表示相较于B,更喜欢A。而从各选项来看,可以判断答案为speaking,其他都要带宾语。

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