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   一、审题 (重中之重)





  Directions: Write a composition in no least than 150 words on the topic: Do You Prefer to Live in Big City or Small Town?

  Recently, there are an increasing number of people living in a small town. Some people enjoy living in the town, while others like living in the city. Which do you prefer?

  标题提到:“Do Your Prefer to Live in Big City or Small Town?” “你比较喜欢住在大城市还是小城镇?”

  利用主题和主题描述套用模板,那这篇文章可以选用单边论述也可以用双边论述;比如,标题是city 和town 那双边论述就是既讲city 也讲town的利或弊;而单边论述的话只选其中之一讲即可。范文选用双边论述:套用模板-city and town利弊分析-个人观点总结


Do You Prefer to Live in Big City or Small Town?


  首段模板套用:When it comes to living in a city or a small town, some people believe that living in the city has many benefits, and it is often argued by other people that living in a small town is much happier than living in a city. There is probably some truth in both statements, but I tend to live in the city.

  第二段:(利弊分析-双边论证)Generally speaking, the advantages of living in the city can be seen clearly in the following respects.

  To begin with, (正面观点一)it is well-known that the city has a variety of public services and facilities. For instance, people in city are easy to get to the shopping malls and public libraries.

  In addition, (正面观点二)usually, a city is equipped with convenient transportation systems, which make people travel long distances easily.

  And finally, (正面观点三)there are much more job opportunities in a city than in a small town.

  However, just as the proverb goes, every coin has two sides. There is no exception to the above discussed issue of living in a city or a small town.

  On the one hand, (反面观点一)people can have much bigger space in a small town than a city due to the cost of housing;

  on the other hand, (反面观点二)a small town is not as crowded as in a city.



  如:正面观点一:(公众服务+公众设施): It is well-known that the city has a variety of public services and facilities.

  正面观点二:(公共交通):usually, a city is equipped with convenient transportation systems, which make people travel long distances easily.

  反面观点二: (人口)A small town is not as crowded as in a city.

  二 、个人的角度

  正面观点三:(个人工作机会):There are much more job opportunities in a city than in a small town.

  反面观点一 : (个人住房)People can have much bigger space in a small town than a city due to the cost of housing.


  The cost of living in the big city is much higher than that in the small town.


  There are a lot of educational resources in the big city, for example excellent teachers and schools.



  第三段:个人观点的总结:Based on the above discussion, they both have advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I would like to live in a city because the public services and facilities enrich my part-time life. I visit the parks and concerts frequently. What’s more, people in the city are from all over the country with different cultures, and I can learn from them and broaden my horizons.




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