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  随着城市化进程的加快,越来越多的人涌入城市,而相关的问题也随之产生。比如:交通拥堵、住房问题、卫生教育,环境污染,高犯罪率等等。请以“City Problems”为话题写一篇120字的文章,就城市化进程中所出现的问题做简单的阐述,并就种种现象发表个人的观点。


City Problems

  Nowadays, millions of migrant workers flood into cities in search of jobs and better living.However,with the sharp rise in the urban population,many problems arise in the development of cities.

  Firstly, cities become more and more crowded,putting much pressure upon transportation,housing, sanitation,education,employment and so on.City services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point. Secondly, a growing number of private cars emit huge amount of carbon dioxide,leaving the air mercilessly polluted.What is more, the city is also threatened by rising crime.Not a single day passes without the report of someone being robbed, kidnapped or murdered.Last but not least, city-dwellers are not only separated from the natural world but also isolated from each other, even not knowing the name of their next-door neighbor.

  All these problems have harmed the attractiveness of the city.Unless there is some improvement, more and more people may seek to live in the suburbs.

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